I thought as much as I could about Sridhar Vembu so you don’t have to

A critique of the man behind the adulatory stories

Sai Ramachandran
7 min readNov 21, 2022

By now, most people in the startup world know of Zoho and its productivity suite. At last count, they have 45 or so products supporting everything a business could need — from email to CRM.

Sridhar Vembu

Famously, Vembu operates out of a small town in Southern India called Tenkasi, or the Southern Kashi, located 75 miles from Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala.

In an interview, Vembu talked about how his family, though they were settled in Chennai, always had one foot back in their ancestral village, as if unsure of their place in the big city.

Seen in that light, it’s not surprising that Vembu moved to Tenkasi at the start of the pandemic and has been there since.

Why am I writing about Vembu?

About a year ago, I came across a Twitter thread of Vembu’s which was surprisingly political for a brandname CEO like him. I found myself looking for rebuttal tweets to refute what seemed to me to be pretty dubious claims in areas in which Vembu himself could not possibly be a subject matter expert.

Despite not agreeing with much of what he was saying, I still found it refreshing that he was willing to…



Sai Ramachandran
Sai Ramachandran

Written by Sai Ramachandran

Building https://squadgpt.ai - GPT for teams. Manage AI costs and retain visibility with SquadGPT. All views personal. Email = sai@squadgpt.ai

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