I have a question. Consciousness is a consequence of energy gaining mass (oversimplification). Now, energy gains mass by observing other energy (another oversimplification).
Energy itself is a wave function with a certain probability of being at a certain location.
This means that if we, in this world, don't experience an electron in our vicinity, which implies that it is far away, some other being somewhere else could be in a position to experience that electron.
Say there just two beings in all of creation who could observe energy - you and Andy all the way over there. You and Andy knew nothing about each other. Say the universe was buzzing with energy and you and Andy were observing that energy with everything you've got building up a universe for you to live in.
In essence, there were two universes - yours and Andy's - completely disconnected from each other.
And maybe Hitler exists in your universe but not Andy's. And there are still reams and reams of unobserved energy types waiting to be seen. And maybe, one day, you will observe one of Ansy's electrons and suddenly, both your universes will come into existence for each other.
If that happens, what will be the first question you ask Andy?