Hamas received roughly 45% of the vote in 2006 as per Wiki so your facts are questionable. Let’s assume you’re talking about their support today being above 50%. Wiki also says that 45% of Gazans are under fourteen. Most fourteen year olds have their opinions shaped by their parents and older relatives. But really, let’s throw away the sub fourteen year olds.
So, 50+% of 55% of Gazans support Hamas. So, the floor of support of 27.5%. The ceiling is 55%.
No bomb on earth can make the kind of distinctions you are making in your heart when you say that 50%+ Gazans support Hamas meaning while 55% of Gazans support Hamas, 100% of Gazans are in the firing line because bombs explode first and ask for age and voting pattern proof…never. So, a minimum of 45% of 2M Gazans can fuck right off because they happen to be born at the same time as the rest of their countrymen. Collective punishment is a war crime…for good reason.
Palestine rejection of the two state solution has very good reason - they were offered a moth eaten East Jerusalem in the early 2000s. Do you blame them for rejecting the offer when ALL of East Jerusalem was on the Palestine wish list from day 1?
You’re okay with killing “every Hamas member” even if it inflicts stupendous collateral damage BUT OMG, Hamas shouldn’t attack “my” people. From where I sit, thousands of miles away, Israel is no less culpable for the situation today. You put intolerable pressure on a people who blow up in your face and then you claim victimhood. My school bully would be proud of you.
Where would I put Hamas? You know what matters more - where I would put Israel? I’d put them on 10. They have all the advantages of nationhood but are acting like vengeful warlords. It’s embarrassing to see especially because I actually think Israel is pretty cool for having achieved what it has from where it started.
Anyway, I wish you well because the way the war is being prosecuted, Israel is buying itself another generation of enemies. Israel is going to need it.